Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Main task-Updated character info

After plotting out my storyline, I have decided to make Lily's occupation ambiguous, however it will be implied she works with a spy or knows a female assassin very well. This is how she will get captured (for simply knowing too much) She will still be relatable and wear ordinary clothes.
In this case I would compare her to female assassins with in real media texts as opposed to ordinary female characters who find themself captured.

A good example is Evelyyn Salt from the 2010 film 'Salt'.

This is because her real identity and occupation is ambiguous throughout.. we are unsure whether she is a 'good guy' or not. I also would like my actor to have dark hair to imply elements of a dark personality, although it seems an innocent woman has been captured at the beginning..she can become ruthless, just as Salt does in the film.

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