Sunday, 25 September 2011

Research- Thriller character creation.

Name: River Adams
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White American
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Lawyer

I created my character through a number of different ways. Firstly we chose certain characteristics which we pictured our character as being then we acted them out in a series of pretend events in class. We then brang in an object which we though would be significant to the character. Mine was an old teddy which hadn't much sentimental value as it did practical, as it used to be something that drugs was kept in. This stimulated my idea of him being an ex drug addict.

River is a typically attractive man, he is tall and mostly wears suit due to the nature of his job, this is contrasted with his slightly rugged stubble and use of casual sunglasses.
My character originated and was based on different thriller characters that I personally liked. For example Teddy Hughes from Shutters Island. As their mannerisms and confidence is similar, although their appearence is disimilar, both characters are attractive. River is a man who has clearly had a difficult upbringing after suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. He has overcome this now but still has a severe weakness to them.

 He overcame the addiction because of the realisation of his Father's alcohol related death and decided to focus on studying instead. He majored in Law and began a highly paid job, four months after graduating. His one priority who he loves desperately is his son Jack. He had Jack with Anna at the age of eighteen and this was another reason for him wanting to make something of himself. He is still in love with Anna but accepts her not wanting to be with him, no matter how much he convinces her he has changed. She fears that alcohol will creep its way back in to their relationship and is too protective of Jack to get back in to a relationship where he was always absent and couldn't provide financially or emotionally for them.

River's past experiences have only convinced him to be there for Jack, so when he goes away on business trips he misses him dearly. I feel River is an interesting and intriguing character who is likeable in many ways, whether it's being able to relate to a past problem with him or his love of his child. He is clearly intellectual and plans now to make the most of it, adventurous as he is travelling to London alone, supportive and understanding as he still helps Anna in every way although she can't be with him. My main task was to make my character likeable to the audience, in order to evoke emotion when the twist is revealed at the end of the narrative..

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