Friday, 12 August 2011

Similar Products - Character analysis 1

 As my chosen clip is short, here is the official trailer to 'Shutter Island' to give an insight.

And here is the clip which I think best highlights Leonardo Di caprio's character.

Plot of the film
In 1954, Federal Marshal Teddy Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule, from Seattle travel to Shutter Island to investigate the disappearance of a patient there, Rachel Solando. She had been sectioned at the institution for dangerous criminals at Ashcliffe Hospital, because she drowned her three kids. Teddy is a veteran WWII soldier, traumatized by the war experience in the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp and the loss of his beloved wife in a criminal fire. Teddy is unable to access the records of employees and patients and feels that his investigation is obstructed by the management by the Federal facility. Teddy has severe migraines and when there is a storm, Teddy and Chuck find that they are stranded in the island. Teddy interviews the internees and follows a lead to the lighthouse, where he discloses the mystery about the Shutter Island.

Information from

Teddy Daniels
Teddy Daniels is a US marshall, we learn a lot about his character throughout the film, however instead of his character being consistant, our opinions often change. There are many debates, especially as the film was a book first, about Teddy's character and questions of insanity have been posed. Is he truly insane or is islands influence is ambiguous?

My chosen clip definitely highlights Teddy's character as this is one of the rare moments he is 'himself'- Andrew Ladus. This is the character who he grew up as, married as, had three children as. However he has been living his life in the mental asaylum as Teddy Daniels to escape the horrifying reality of his dead wife who murdered his beloved chilren.
Here Andrew is acting as 'Teddy' and his psychologist is acting as his boss as he does throughout the film. Andrew is aware he is being watched so acts as Teddy so he can "die as a good man." Meaning he will be killed as Andrew, a good man, or live as Teddy Daniels- a crazed violent man, who has created such a vivid imaginary story and is convinced everyone on the island is plotting against him.

What are his ethics/morals?

I think this clip highlights his character well because his morals are obvious, he is completely sefless after his realisation and chooses to be killed without a fight. I also think it shows he is observant and quick thinking after seeing the men watching (who commit the execution) and acting as his other character with whom they are familiar with. When Noyce, his psychologist nods, the signal is obvious and Andrew confronts his fate. There are few scenes where we see Andrew which is what makes this scene so interesting, almost as if we are familiar with him bringing us back to normality. I also find it interesting as his morals and ethics have completely changed. All the way through the film Andrew's only concern is completing his assignment and finding Rachel Solondo, or getting to the bottom of what he suspects is a corrupt asaylum. Throughout the film he is a confident, controlled and suspicious character, which contrasts with the man we see in the last scene- a vulnerable man who is leaving his fate in the hands of someone he once disbelieved and thought untrustworthy. Andrew predominantly believes in being a good, loving person as we see in some of the flashbacks with his wife, this clip emphasizes his tender character as he chooses to ends his and everyone elses pain. There are many debates to whether his character was insane or not, however in my opinion I think this scene and ending was obvious and shows his true character.